Items where Division is "Arctic Council" and Year is [pin missing: value2]
Number of items at this level: 43. Unspecified (2023) Norway's Chairship Arctic Council 2023 - 2025. Project Report. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway. Unspecified (2023) Looking North: The UK and the Arctic. The United Kingdom's Arctic Policy Framework. Other. Crown Copyright, London, United Kingdom. Oddsdóttir, Embla Eir and Ágústsson, Hjalti Ómar (2021) Pan-Arctic Report, Gender Equality in the Arctic, Phase 3. Project Report. Iceland's Arctic Council Chairmanship and the Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group, with the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network, the Icelandic Directorate for Equality, and the Stefansson Arctic Institute., Reykjavík, Iceland. Unspecified (2021) Programme of The Russian Federation's 2021 to 2023 Chairmanship of the Arctic Council. Documentation. Russian Chairmanship, Russia. Unspecified (2021) Russia’s Chairmanship Programme for the Arctic Council 2021-2023. Documentation. Russian Chairmanship, Russia. Nordström, Linnea (2020) The Arctic Council: A Quick Quide 3rd Edition. Arctic Council Secretariat, Tromsø Norway. Unspecified (2018) Arctic Renewable Energy Atlas (AREA) Project: August 2018 Singapore Workshop Report. In: Arctic Renewable Energy Atlas (AREA) Project Singapore Workshop, 29-31 August 2018, Singapore. Burgess, Philip (2018) Indigenous Youth, Food Knowledge & Arctic Change - EALLU. Project Report. Arctic Council Secretariat, Kautokeino, Norway. Unspecified (2017) Telecommunications Infrastructure in the Arctic; A Circumpolar Assessment. Technical Report. Arctic Council Secretariat, Fairbanks, Alaska. Freeland, Christina Alexandra and Brende, Børge and Samuelsen, Anders and Lavrov, Sergey and Soini, Timo and Wallström, Margot and Þórðarson, Guðlaugur Þór and Tillerson, Rex (2017) Fairbanks Declaration 2017. [Legal Documents] Arctic Council, - (2011) Agreement on Cooperation on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue in the Arctic. Other. Arctic Council. DeAngelo, Benjamin Ed. (2011) An Assessment of Emissions and Mitigation Options for Black Carbon for the Arctic Council; Technical Report of the Arctic Council Task Force on Short´Lived Climate Forcers. Technical Report. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2011) NUUK DECLARATION On the occasion of the 7th Ministerial Meeting of The Arctic Council, May 2011. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2011) Senior Arctic Official (SAO) Report to Ministers, Nuuk Greenland, 2011. Documentation. Arctic Council. World Wildlife Fund, WWF (2010) The Circle. The Circle, The Global Arctic Programme of the World Wildlife Fund. Nordic Council of Ministers, NCoM (2010) Arctic - Changing Realities. In: Arctic - Changing Realities, Copenahgen, Denmark. Larsen, Joan Nymand Ed. (2010) Arctic Social Indicators - A follow-up to the Arctic Human Development Report. Documentation. Nordic Council of Ministers. Loukacheva, Natalia , ed. (2010) Polar Law Text Book. Nordic Council of Ministers. Winther, Gorm and Duhaime , Gerard, et al. (2010) The Political Economy of Northern Regional Development. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, Denmark. Støre, Jonas Gahr (2009) Arctic Council Ministerial Address. In: Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Tromsø, Norway. Solberg, Hill-Marta (2009) Chair of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region Address to the Arctic Council. In: Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Tromsø, Norway. Arctic Council, - (2009) Senior Arctic Official (SAO) Report to Ministers, Tromsø Norway, 2009. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2009) TROMSØ DECLARATION On the occasion of the Sixth Ministerial Meeting of The Arctic Council April, 2009. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2008) Programme for the Norwegian Chairmanship of the Arctic Council 2006-2008. Documentation. Arctic Council. (Submitted) Arctic Council, - (2006) Arctic Council Salekhard Ministerial Declaration. Other. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2006) Report of Senior Arctic Officials to Ministers at the 5th Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting October 2006. Other. Arctic Council. Unspecified (2006) Indigenous People's Secretariat (IPS). [Website] Arctic Council, - (2004) REYKJAVÍK DECLARATION 2004 On the occasion of the 4th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2002) INARI DECLARATION 2002 on the occasion of the Third Ministerial Meeting of THE ARCTIC COUNCIL. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2000) BARROW DECLARATION 2000 on the occasion of the Second Ministerial Meeting of THE ARCTIC COUNCIL. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (1998) The Arctic Council Iqaluit 1998 Ministerial Meeting. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (1997) Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS) Ministerial Meeting in Alta, Norway. 1997. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (1996) Declaration on Establishment of The Arctic Council (The Ottawa Declaration) - 1996. Documentation. Arctic Council, Ottowa. Arctic Council, - (1996) Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council 1996 - Ottawa Declaration. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (1996) The Inuvik Declaration, 1996. Declaration from the Ministerial meeting of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS)held in Inuvik, Canada. Documentation. Arctic Council. Unspecified (1996) All Arctic Council Declarations 1996-2017. Other. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (1991) Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy. Documentation. Arctic Council, Rovaniemi. Unspecified Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic. [Legal Documents] Unspecified Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation. [Legal Documents] Unspecified Arctic Athabaskan Council. [Website] Unspecified Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. [Website] Unspecified Arctic Data. [Website] International Maritime Organization, (IMO) Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement. Documentation. Arctic Council. |