Items where Subject is "Peoples, Cultures and Societies > Indigenous Peoples"
Group by: Item Type | Creators Jump to: Article | Monograph | Conference or Workshop Item | Book | Thesis | Project | Image | Website | Legal Documents | Other Number of items at this level: 139. ArticleTyler, N.J.C et al. (2006) Саамское пастбищное оленеводство и изменения климата: применение общих рамок изучения уязвимости к социально-экологическим системам субарктики. McCarthy et al. pp. 945-988. Forbes, Bruce C. and Stammler, Florian (2009) Arctic climate change discourse: the contrasting politics of research agendas in the West and Russia. Polar Research (28). pp. 28-42. Marin, Andrei F. (2006) CONFINED AND SUSTAINABLE? A CRITIQUE OF RECENT PASTORAL POLICY FOR REINDEER HERDING IN FINNMARK, NORTHERN NORWAY. NOMADIC PEOPLES, 10. pp. 209-232. ISSN 0822-7942 (Print), ISSN 1752-2366 (Online) Eira, Inger Marie G. and Magga , O.H. and Bongo, Mathis P. and Sara, Mikkel Nils and Mathiesen, Svein D. and Oskal, Anders (2008) The Challenges of Arctic Reindeer Herding: The Interface Between Reindeer Herders Knowledge and Modern Understanding of the Ecology, Economy, Sociology and Management of Sami Reindeer Herding. Sami University College. CBMP, CBMP Community Based Monitoring Handbook: Lessons from the Arctic and Beyond. CAFF CBMP Report. ISSN 978-9979-9778-1-0 Paine, Robert (2006) Conversations with Ole K. Sara, retired head of the Reindeer Administration in Norway. NOMADIC PEOPLES, 10 (2). pp. 233-248. ISSN 0822-7942 (print) and 1752-2366 (online) Washington, Dewayne (2007) Goddard Collaborates with Indigenous People During International Polar Year. Goddard View, 3 (5). pp. 3-10. Ventsel, Aimar (2006) Hunter-Herder Continuum in Anabarski District, NW Sakha, Siberia, Russian Federation. NOMADIC PEOPLES, 10. ISSN 0822-7942 (Print), 1752-2366 (Online) Riseth, Jan Åge (2007) An Indigenous Perspective Sámi Reindeer Management in Norway. Geographical Research, 45 (2). pp. 177-185. Anderson , David G. (2006) Is Siberian reindeer herding in crisis? Living with reindeer fifteen years after the end of state socialism. NOMADIC PEOPLES, 10. pp. 87-104. ISSN 0822-7942 (Print), 1752-2366 (Online) Tyler, J.C and Forchhammer, Mads C. and Øritsland, Nils Are (2008) NONLINEAR EFFECTS OF CLIMATE AND DENSITY IN THE DYNAMICS OF A FLUCTUATING POPULATION OF REINDEER. Ecology. pp. 1675-1686. Heikkinen, Hannu (2006) Neo-Entrepreneurship as an adaptation model of reindeer herding in Finland. NOMADIC PEOPLES, 10. pp. 187-208. ISSN 0822-7942 (Print), 1752-2366 (Online) Konstantinov , Yulian and Vladimirova, Vladislava (2006) The Performative Machine: Transfer of Ownership in a Northwest Russian Reindeer Herder Community (Kola Peninsula). NOMADIC PEOPLES, 10. pp. 166-186. ISSN 0822-7942 (Print), 1752-2366 (Online) Karter, Andrew John and Dieterich , Robert A. (1989) Population Dynamics: An Introduction for Alaskan Reindeer Herders. Bulletin 81. Watson, Alan and Alessa, Lilian and Glaspell, Brian (2003) The Relationship between Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Evolving Cultures, and Wilderness Protection in the Circumpolar North. Conservation Ecology, 8 (1). Lavrillier, Alexandra and Gabyshev, Semen and Rojo, Maxence (2016) The Sable for Evenk Reindeer Herders in Southeastern Siberia: Interplaying Drivers of Changes on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Climate Change, Worldwide Market Econonomy and Extractive Industries. Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Europe and Central Asia - Knowledges of Nature, 9. pp. 111-128. Tyler, N.J.C et al. (2005) Samisk nomadisk reindrift under klimaendring: Anvendelse av et generalisert rammeverk for sårbarhetsstudier på et arktisk sosio-økologisk system. McCarthy et al. pp. 945-988. Monastersky, Richard (2009) The Social Pole. NATURE, 457 (7233). pp. 1072-1076. Huntington, Henry A Strategy for Facilitating and Developing Community Based Monitoring Approaches in Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring - 2008 - Russian. CAFF Publication Series. Cuyler, Christine (1999) Success and failure of reindeer herding in Greenland. Rangifer Report (3). pp. 81-92. Ying, Luo and Lobanov, Andrew Alexandrovich and Fengming, Hui and Andronov, Sergei Vasilevich and Lobanova, Lidiya Petrovna and Bogdanova, Elena Nikolaevna and Grishechkina, Irina Alexandrovna and Popov, Andrei Ivanovich and Fedorov, Roman Yurievich (2021) Traditional Arctic native fish storage methods and their role in the sustainable development of the Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (2). pp. 161-171. Keay, Morgan G. (2006) The Tsaatan Reindeer Herders of Mongolia : Forgotten lessons of of human-animal systems. Encyclopedia of Animals and Humans. pp. 1-4. Reinert , Erik S. (2006) The economics of reindeer herding, Saami entrepreneurship between cyclical sustainability and the powers of state and oligopolies. Brittish Food Journal, 108 (7). pp. 522-540. Gray, Patty A. (2006) "The last Kulak" and other stories of Post-Privatization life in Chukotkas Tundra. NOMADIC PEOPLES, 10. pp. 50-67. ISSN 0822-7942 (Print), 1752-2366 (Online) Vistnes, Ingunn and Nellemann, Christian (2008) The matter of spatial and temporal scales: a review of reindeer and caribou response to human activity. Polar Biology , 31. pp. 399-407. MonographDongyu, Qu (2023) 2023 Global Youth Forum Results Report. Project Report. World Food Forum. Baeseman, J. (2021) 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial Report - Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic. Documentation. Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland. Ignatieva, S. and Kharlampieva, N. and Azheeva, E. and Nikiforova, V. and Maximova, S. (2023) Arctic Art & Culture. Other. The Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts (ASICA), Yakutsk, Russia. Ignatieva, S. and Kharlampieva, N. and Dyakonova, V. (2023) Arctic Art & Culture. Other. The Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education, Yakutsk, Russia. Blom, Anders and Brady, Anne-Marie and Brigham, Lawson and Conley, Heather and Daly, Michael and Hamilton, Neil and Hansen, Rúni M. and Harper, Susan and Henriksen, Sturla and Kamikawa, Yoko and Kortunov, Andrei V. and Minerd, Scott and Pickard, Ann and Roosevelt, Theodore and Smith, Laurence C. and Støre, Jonas Gahr and Tae-Yul, Cho and Treadwell, Mead and Tschudi, Felix H. and Volynets, Artem and Winther, Jan-Gunnar and Yuhang, Wang (2015) Arctic Investment Protocol. Technical Report. World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2004) CAFF Technical Report No.11 - The Conservation Value of Sacred Sites of Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic: A Case Study in Northern Russia. Technical Report. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF). European Union, EU (2009) COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 510/2006 ‘LAPIN PORON LIHA’. Documentation. European Union. Arctic Council, Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) Circumpolar Information Guide on Mining for Indigenous Peoples and Northern Communities. Project Report. Unspecified. McLennan, Donald and Brown, Kristina and Scharien, Randall and Else, Brent and Wilson, Katherine and Humphreys, Elyn and Marsh, Philip and Ullulaq, Jennifer and Park, Brian and Cockney-Goose, Tyra and Aipellie, Gary and Qillaq, Nysana (2022) Environmental change in the Kitikmeot Region of western Nunavut and Ulukhaktok region of eastern Northwest Territories. Polar Knowledge: Aqhaliat Report - Volume 4. Other. Polar Knowledge Canada, Canada. Erdal, Lisa Independence on the Horizon: A Study of the Interplay Between Sovereignty and Natural Resources in Greenland. Project Report. Fridtjof Nansens Institute . Unspecified Inuit Language Protection Act. Documentation. Government of Nunavut, Department of Justice. World Reindeer Herders´Association, - (2009) Kautokeino Declaration. On the Occasion of the 4th World Reindeer Herders’ Congress Kautokeino, Norway, March 30th - April 3rd 2009. Documentation. World Reindeer Herders' Association. Unspecified Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. Documentation. Government of Canada. Sámediggi, - (2009) Sametingsrådets melding om samisk reindrift. Project Report. Sámediggi / Sametinget, Karasjok, Norway. Baer, Lars Anders (2010) Study on the impact of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures on reindeer herding. Working Paper. United Nations Economic and Social Council. Unspecified (2007) United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Other. United Nations. Association of World Reindeer Herders, - (2007) What will happen to Sámi reindeer herding in the light of the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on climate change in the North? Other. Association of World Reindeer Herders, Kautokeino. Unspecified (2021) The White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems. Working Paper. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. International Centre of Reindeer husbandry, - (2009) World Reindeer Husbandry: Peoples, Distribution and Challenges. Documentation. International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, Kautokeino. Eira, Ole Isak and Oskal, Anders (2008) The opening of Indigenous Peoples International Polar Year (IP-IPY) 2007-2008 Báktehárji Kautokeino, February 14th 2007. Project Report. International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, Sami University College. Conference or Workshop ItemDallmann, Winfried and Peskov, Vladislav (2009) Мониторинг развития территории традиционного природопользования в Ненецком автономном округе. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Etylin, Vladimir (2009) Климатические изменения на Чукотке. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Погодаева, Мария (2009) Вызовы, стоящие перед таежным оленеводством России. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageadnu. Погодаева , М.А. (2009) Меры государственной поддержки развития коренных малочисленных народов Республики Саха (Якутия) Выступление Председателя Правления Ассоциации «Оленеводы Мира» М.А. Погодаева на совещании Правительства Республики Саха (Якутия) с министром регионального развития Российской Федерации В.Ф. Басаргиным. In: Выступление Председателя Правления Ассоциации «Оленеводы Мира» М.А. Погодаева на совещании Правительства Республики Саха (Якутия) с минис, Якутск. Погодаев, Михаил (2009) Уважаемая госпожа председатель, уважаемые участники 8 сессии Постоянного Форума ООН по вопросам коренных народов! In: United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, New York. Degteva, Anna (2009) Adaptation to the Loss of Grazing Lands in Yamal Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. d'Escoto Brockmann, Miguel (2009) Address To the Indigenous People's Global Summit on Climate Change. In: Indigenous People's Global Summit on Climate Change, Anchorage, Alaska. Walaas, Elisabeth (2009) Address to the 4th World Reindeer Herders Congress. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino, Norway. Ims Vistnes, Ingunn (2009) Barents 2030 - Impacts of Future Petroleum Development on Reindeer Husbandry in the Barents Region. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Eira, Ole Isak (2009) The Behaviour of the Reindeer Herd - the Role of the Males. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Eira, Rávdná Biret Márja (2009) CEAVVI. In: IV world Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Solberg, Hill-Marta (2009) Chair of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region Address to the Arctic Council. In: Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Tromsø, Norway. Gabysheva, Feodosia (2009) Challenges in Education. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Nakashima, Douglas (2009) Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development: scientific, social, cultural and educational challenges. In: UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, New York. Kolpaschikov, Leonid (2009) Conflict between domestic and wild reindeer in Taimyr. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Sara, Ellen Anne (2009) EALÁT – ANÁR 23.9.2008. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Pogodaev, Mikhail (2009) Economic Adaptation to Change in Reindeer Herding in Sakha (Yakutia). In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu, Norway. Lange, Ellen (2009) ”Education for All in the Arctic?” A Pilot Study initiated by the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Forbes, Bruce C. (2009) Environmental and Social Impacts of Industrialization in Northern Russia (ENSINOR). In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Barklund, Åke (2007) Future Challenges for Reindeer Herder Societies. In: Future Challenges for Reindeer Herding Societies , Umeå, Sweden. Sámi University College, - (2007) Guovdageaidnu 1882 – 2007, 125 jagi rievdan, IP IPY JURDDA-GIHPPU SKUVLLAIDE. In: Indigenous Peoples International Polar Year Opening, Kautokeino, Norway. Valle, Raimo (2009) Implementation of the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In: UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, New York. Valle, Raimo (2009) Indigenous Issues, Climate Change and the Arctic. In: UN Permanent on Indigenous Issues, New York. Dallmann, Winfried and Peskov, Vladislav (2009) Monitoring of Development of Traditional Indigenous Land Use Areas in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, NW Russia. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino/ Guovdageaidnu. Olli, Egil (2009) President of the Sami Parliament Address to the UNPFII. In: United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, New York. Turi, Johan Mathis (2009) Reindeer Herders Knowledge - A Worldwide Phenomenon. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Mathiesen, Svein D. and Heatta , Máret and Eira , Rávdná Biret Márjá (2007) Reindeer herder's vulnerability - Network study EALÁT. In: IPY - Ealat vitenskapelig seminar , Kautokeino. Turi, Ellen Inga (2009) Resilience in Reindeer Herders Society. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Olli, Egil (2009) Samhandling mellom statlige myndigheter og Sametinget. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu, Norway. Enokhova, Svetlana (2009) School of «Ugut» is a cultural and educational center of reindeer herders family communities. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Åhrén, Mattias (2009) Statement by Mattias Åhrén, President of the Sámi Council, on the occasion of the 6th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council in Tromsø 29. April 2009. In: Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, Tromsø. Näkkäläjärvi, Janne Oula (2009) The Sámi Education Institute. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. Sa, Guowen (2009) Welcome to Genhe. In: IV World Reindeer Herders Congress, Kautokeino / Guovdageaidnu. BookLavrillier, Alexandra and Gabyshev, Semen (2017) An Arctic Indigenous Knowledge System of Landscape, Climate, and Human Interactions. Evenki Reindeer Herders and Hunters. Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien, Germany. ISBN 978-3-942883-31-3 Arctic Council, Arctic Monitoring ans Assessment Programme (AMAP) (1997) Arctic Pollution Issues: A State of the Arctic Environment Report. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment program (AMAP). ISBN 82-7655-060-6 Veltre, Douglas W. and Pendleton, Catherine L. and Schively, Stefanie A. and Hay, Jessica A. and Tatarenkova, Natalia (2006) CAFF Technical Report No. 14 - Aleut / Unangax Ethnobotany: An Annotated Bibliography. CAFF International Secretariat. ISBN 9979-9778-0-9 Oskal, Anders and Turi, Johan Mathis and Mathiesen, Svein D. and Burgess, Philip (2009) EALÁT. Reindeer Herders Voice: Reindeer Herding, Traditional Knowledge and Adaptation to Climate Change and Loss of Grazing Lands. International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, Kautokeino / Guovdageadnu, Norway. ISBN 978-82-998051-0-0 Mathiesen, Svein D. and Eira, Inger Marie G. and Turi, Ellen Inga and Oskal, Anders and Mikhail, Pogodaev and Marina, Tonkopeeva, eds. (2022) Reindeer Husbandry - Adaptation to the Changing Arctic, Volume 1. Springer Polar Sciences, 1 . Springer, Norway. ISBN 978-3-031-17625-8 ThesisTuri, Ellen Inga (2008) Living with climate variation and change - A comparative study of resilience embedded in the social organization of reindeer pastoralism in Western Finnmark and Yamal Peninsula. Masters thesis, Universitetet i Oslo. Degteva , Anna (2006) Oil Industry and Reindeer Herding: The Problems of Implementing Indigenous Rights in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia. Masters thesis, Faculty of Social Science, University of Tromsø. Pettersson, Robert (2004) Sami Tourism in Northern Sweden - Supply, Demand and Interaction. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, University of Umeå. ProjectMagga , O.H. and Mathiesen, Svein D. (2009) Arktalaš hearkkivuođa guorahallan: Boazodoallu nuppásteaddji dálkkádagas - birgenmekanismmat ja heivehannávccat ? [Project] Kemi, Karen Inga (2010) BIRGEN - Tradisjonell kunnskap og opplæring i reindriften 2. periode. [Project] Kemi, Karen Inga (2009) BIRGEN: Tradisjonell kunnskap og opplæring i reindriften. [Project] Unspecified (2010) Boazoealahus nissonolbmot Norggas. [Project] Gaup Eira, Inger Marie and Eira, Ravdna B.M. (2008) EALÁT Anar Workshop Report. [Project] Mäkitalo, Minna P.E. and Sikku , Anders and Inga, Hans (2008) Lahkajeaggi. [Project] Borchert, Nanna (2001) Land is Life: Traditional Sami Reindeer Grazing Threatened in Northern Sweden. [Project] Unspecified (2010) Reindriftskvinner i Norge. [Project] Sametinget i Sverige, - (2009) Sametingets Livsmiljöprogram Eallinbiras/Iellembirás/Jielemen Bijre. [Project] Vistnes, Ingunn and Lie, Ivar and Karlsen, Geir Runar and Nygaard, Vigdis and Søreng Ulfsdatter , Siri (2008) Utbygging og drift av Goliat oljefelt Konsekvensutredning samiske forhold Development of and production at Goliat oil field Impacts on Saami conditions Goliat oljoguovllu huksen ja doaimmaheapmi Váikkuhusčielggadeapmi sámi diliid birra. [Project] Many Strong Voices, - (2007) Workshop Proceedings Many Strong Voices Stakeholder Workshop. [Project] ImageArctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2001) CAFF Map No.15 - Approximate distribution of Indigenous groups of the Arctic. [Image] Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group CAFF Map No.39 - Proportion of indigenous and non indigenous residents in different areas around the Arctic. [Image] Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2010) CAFF Map No.60 - The distribution of languages and language families in the Arctic. [Image] WebsiteUnspecified Alaska Native Knowledge Network. [Website] Unspecified Alaska Native Languages. [Website] Unspecified Alaska Natural Heritage Program. [Website] Unspecified Aleut Corporation. [Website] Unspecified (2006) Aleut International Association. [Website] Unspecified Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association. [Website] Unspecified Amnesty International Canada - The Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples. [Website] Unspecified Arctic Athabaskan Council. [Website] Unspecified (2006) Indigenous People's Secretariat (IPS). [Website] Unspecified (2009) Arctic Human Development Report. [Website] Unspecified (2009) Arctic Indigenous Languages. [Website] Unspecified The Arctic Journal. [Website] Unspecified Arctic Network for the Support of the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Arctic (ANSIPRA). [Website] Unspecified Assembly of First Nations. [Website] Unspecified (2006) Canadian Museum of Civilization. [Website] Unspecified Centre for Aboriginal Health Research. [Website] Unspecified Centre for World Indigenous Knowledge and Research. [Website] International Centre of Reindeer Husbandry, - (2009) EALÁT - Reindeer Herders Vulnerability Network Study. [Website] Unspecified (2009) The Finnish Saami Parliament. [Website] Unspecified Grand Council of the Cree. [Website] Unspecified (2009) ISUMA TV. [Website] Unspecified Indigenous People's Restoration Network. [Website] Unspecified Indigenous Peoples Program. [Website] Unspecified (2009) Indigenous Portal. [Website] Unspecified (2006) Indigenous Survival International. [Website] Unspecified Innu Nation. [Website] Unspecified Innu-Aimun. [Website] Unspecified (2009) International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry (ICR). [Website] Unspecified (2006) Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC). [Website] Unspecified (2006) Native Law Centre of Canada. [Website] Unspecified Nunavut Government, Department of Justice. [Website] Unspecified Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East (RAIPON). [Website] Jernsletten, Johnny-Leo L. and Klokov, Konstantin B. (2002) Sustainable Reindeer Husbandry. [Website] Unspecified (2009) United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (PFII). [Website] Legal DocumentsUnspecified Отчет Секретариата Северного Форума об итогах визита делегации Королевства Норвегия. [Legal Documents] Freeland, Christina Alexandra and Brende, Børge and Samuelsen, Anders and Lavrov, Sergey and Soini, Timo and Wallström, Margot and Þórðarson, Guðlaugur Þór and Tillerson, Rex (2017) Fairbanks Declaration 2017. [Legal Documents] OtherIndigenous Peoples’ Global Summit on Climate Change, - (2009) The Anchorage Declaration. Indigenous Peoples’ Global Summit on Climate Change. Nordström, Linnea (2020) The Arctic Council: A Quick Quide 3rd Edition. Arctic Council Secretariat, Tromsø Norway. Gray, Patty A. (2001) The Obshchina in Chukotka: land, property and local autonomy. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology . |