Items where Subject is "Peoples, Cultures and Societies > Law and Policy"
Group by: Item Type | Creators Number of items at this level: 77. AArctic Council, - (2011) Agreement on Cooperation on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue in the Arctic. Other. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2004) Arctic Climate Impact Assessment - Policy Document. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (1998) The Arctic Council Iqaluit 1998 Ministerial Meeting. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2006) Arctic Council Salekhard Ministerial Declaration. Other. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (1997) Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS) Ministerial Meeting in Alta, Norway. 1997. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2000) BARROW DECLARATION 2000 on the occasion of the Second Ministerial Meeting of THE ARCTIC COUNCIL. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2000) CAFF Habitat Conservation Report No.8 - A Summary of Legal Instruments and National Frameworks for Arctic Marine Conservation. Technical Report. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF). Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2000) CAFF Map No.1 - CAFF Political Boundary. [Image] Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2001) CAFF Map No.46 - The limits of the Arctic according to various definitions. [Image] Arctic Council, - (1996) Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council 1996 - Ottawa Declaration. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, Emergency, Preparedness, Prevention, Response (EPPR) (2009) EPPR Report to SAO, Nov. 2009. Technical Report. Emergency, Preparedness, Prevention, Response (EPPR) Working group. Alfreðsson, Guðmundur (2011) Human Rights on Ice. [Video] Arctic Council, - (2002) INARI DECLARATION 2002 on the occasion of the Third Ministerial Meeting of THE ARCTIC COUNCIL. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (1996) The Inuvik Declaration, 1996. Declaration from the Ministerial meeting of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS)held in Inuvik, Canada. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2011) NUUK DECLARATION On the occasion of the 7th Ministerial Meeting of The Arctic Council, May 2011. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arteau, Jean-François (2011) Our Ice Dependent World - Impacts and Challenges for the Inuit of Nunavik, Arctic Quebec, Canada. [Video] Arctic Council, - (2008) Programme for the Norwegian Chairmanship of the Arctic Council 2006-2008. Documentation. Arctic Council. (Submitted) Arctic Council, - (2004) REYKJAVÍK DECLARATION 2004 On the occasion of the 4th Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2011) Senior Arctic Official (SAO) Report to Ministers, Nuuk Greenland, 2011. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2009) Senior Arctic Official (SAO) Report to Ministers, Tromsø Norway, 2009. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, - (2009) TROMSØ DECLARATION On the occasion of the Sixth Ministerial Meeting of The Arctic Council April, 2009. Documentation. Arctic Council. Alfredsson , Guðmundur and Koivurova, Timo (2009) The Yearbook of Polar Law. [Website] BBlom, Anders and Brady, Anne-Marie and Brigham, Lawson and Conley, Heather and Daly, Michael and Hamilton, Neil and Hansen, Rúni M. and Harper, Susan and Henriksen, Sturla and Kamikawa, Yoko and Kortunov, Andrei V. and Minerd, Scott and Pickard, Ann and Roosevelt, Theodore and Smith, Laurence C. and Støre, Jonas Gahr and Tae-Yul, Cho and Treadwell, Mead and Tschudi, Felix H. and Volynets, Artem and Winther, Jan-Gunnar and Yuhang, Wang (2015) Arctic Investment Protocol. Technical Report. World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland. Brander, Nina and Borg, Emma (2021) Finland's Strategy for Arctic Policy. Working Paper. Finnish Government, Helsinki, Finland. Bailes, Alyson JK and Ólafsson, Kristmundur Þór (2014) Nordic and Arctic Affairs. Research Consortium Small State Briefs. pp. 1-3. Byers, Michael and Lalonde, Suzanne Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law: Who Controls the Northwest Passage? Who Controls the Northwest Passage? . CCanadian , Minister of Justice (2002) Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act. Other. Canadian Ministry of Justice. Commission of the European Communities, - (2008) THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE ARCTIC REGION - Communication from the Commission to the Parliament and Council. Documentation. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels. Canadian , Minister of Justice Oceans Act, Canada 1996. Other. Canadian Ministry of Justice. DDegteva , Anna (2006) Oil Industry and Reindeer Herding: The Problems of Implementing Indigenous Rights in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia. Masters thesis, Faculty of Social Science, University of Tromsø. Dodds, Klaus and Ingimundarson, Valur (2012) Territorial nationalism and Arctic geopolitics: Iceland as an Arctic Coastal state. The Polar Journal, 2. EEuropean Union, EU (2009) COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 510/2006 ‘LAPIN PORON LIHA’. Documentation. European Union. Erdal, Lisa Independence on the Horizon: A Study of the Interplay Between Sovereignty and Natural Resources in Greenland. Project Report. Fridtjof Nansens Institute . FForbes, Bruce C. and Stammler, Florian (2009) Arctic climate change discourse: the contrasting politics of research agendas in the West and Russia. Polar Research (28). pp. 28-42. Freeland, Christina Alexandra and Brende, Børge and Samuelsen, Anders and Lavrov, Sergey and Soini, Timo and Wallström, Margot and Þórðarson, Guðlaugur Þór and Tillerson, Rex (2017) Fairbanks Declaration 2017. [Legal Documents] GGovernment of Finland, - (2010) Finland’s Strategy for the Arctic Region. Documentation. Prime Minister’s Office Publications. Government of Canada, - The Northern Dimension of Canada's Foreign Policy. Documentation. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Gray, Patty A. (2001) The Obshchina in Chukotka: land, property and local autonomy. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology . Government of Iceland, - Ísland á norðurslóðum. Documentation. Utanríkisráðuneytið. HHeggelund, Gørild and Han, Cheng (2016) China’s climate policy: does an Arctic dimension exist? Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 139-145. Haukson, Stefán Þór (2009) A Legally Binding Regime for the Arctic. Other thesis, University of Akureyri. Herr, Dr. Richard (2011) Regional Constraints on Soft Law Legitimacy: Some Australian Geopolitical Perspectives. In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland. Herr, Richard (2011) Regional Constraints on Soft Law Legitimacy: Some Australian Geopolitical Perspectives. [Video] Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang and Boike, Julia and Lantuit, Hugues and Kais, Leena policy paper. [Project] IInternational Maritime Organization, (IMO) Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement. Documentation. Arctic Council. International Maritime Organization, (IMO) (2009) IMO GUIDELINES FOR SHIPS OPERATING IN POLAR WATERS. Documentation. International Maritime Organization. International Maritime Organization, (IMO) International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (BUNKER). Documentation. International Maritime Organization. International Maritime Organization, (IMO) International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC). Documentation. International Maritime Organization. JJabour, Julia (2011) Antarctic Law and Policy (ALP1076). [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished) Jialin, Han (2016) Non-governmental organizations’ influence on tackling black carbon in the shipping industry. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 154-158. KKotlyakov, Vladimir (2015) The Arctic Herald. The Russian Geographical Society. Kingdom of Denmark, - (2011) Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands: Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011– 2020. Documentation. Governments of Denmark, The Faroes and Greenland, Denmark. Kingdom of Norway, - THE NORWEGIAN GOVERNMENT’S HIGH NORTH STRATEGY. Documentation. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. LLiao, Junjie and Pan, Min (2023) Evolution and impacts of the United States’ Arctic strategy and China’s responses. Advances in Polar Science, 34 (2). pp. 144-152. MMacneill, Christopher Mark Gaining Command and Control of the Northwest Passage. [Project] Maddox, Marisol and Lea, Lyston (2023) Polar Perspectives No 13 - The Intelligence Community Must Evolve To Meet the Reality of Arctic Change. Technical Report. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, USA. Min, Pan and Mei, Wang (2016) Self-organization: the governance of CAO fisheries from perspective of the global commons. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 159-162. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION, MFA TOWARDS AN ITALIAN STRATEGY FOR THE ARCTIC NATIONAL GUIDELINES STRATEGIA DEL GOVERNO ITALIANO PER L ARTICO. Technical Report. Italian MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION. NNordic Council of Ministers, NCoM (2010) Arctic - Changing Realities. In: Arctic - Changing Realities, Copenahgen, Denmark. Nordström, Linnea (2020) The Arctic Council: A Quick Quide 3rd Edition. Arctic Council Secretariat, Tromsø Norway. OOreshenkov, Alexander (2010) About taxation in an area of application of the Treaty on Spitsbergen. Moscow journal of international law”, 2004, No. 4. Oreshenkov, Aleksandr (2010) Arctic Square of Opportunities. Russia in Global Affairs, No.4. Oreshenkov, Alexander (2010) Features of the sovereignty of Norway above Spitsbergen under the Parisian treaty of 1920. Moscow journal of international law, 2003, No. 2. Oreshenkov, Alexander (2009) History lessons for settling disputes on litigious territories. Russia in Global Affairs. Oreshenkov, Aleksandr (2010) Russian frontiers of the maritime Arctic. Nord-News. PPoulsen, Troels Lund and Häkkänen, Antti and Gylfadóttir, Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd and Gram, Bjørn Arild and Jonson, Pål (2024) Vision for Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO). Other. NORDEFCO. RRana, Jenis av (2022) The Faroe Islands in the Arctic. Working Paper. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, Faroe Islands. Retter, G.-B. (2019) The Sámi Arctic Strategy. Working Paper. Saami Council, Norway. SSykulski, Leszek (2011) George Friedman’s geopolitical myths from Polish perspective. TThe Headquarters, for Ocean Policy Japan's Arctic Policy (provisional English Translation). [Legal Documents] The Russian Federation, - National Policy of the Russian Federation for the Arctic Region to 2020 and beyond. [Website] UUniversity of Illinois, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS) (2009) Global Security, Climate Change, and the Arctic. [Project] U.S.A , - Presidential Directive to Establish U.S. Policy in Arctic Region. [Website] United Nations, - (1982) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). [Website] United Nations, - United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea. [Website] WWeifang, Li and Yan, Huang (2016) International code for ships operating in polar waters: challenges to polar shipping safety rules in China. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (2). pp. 146-153. Winther, Gorm and Duhaime , Gerard, et al. (2010) The Political Economy of Northern Regional Development. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, Denmark. |