Number of items at this level: 101.
Kurvitz, Tiina
ECORA : An Integrated Ecosystem Management Approach to Conserve Biodiversity and minimizing habitat fragmentation in the Russian Arctic - 2009 - Russian.
CAFF Publication Series.
Shan, Yanyan and He, Jianfeng and Guo, Peiqing and He, Liu
An assessment of China’s participation in polar subregional organizations.
Advances in Polar Science, 34 (1).
pp. 56-65.
Baeseman, J.
3rd Arctic Science Ministerial Report - Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic.
Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Arctic Council, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group
ARCTIC FLORA AND FAUNA: Status and Conservation.
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF).
Stockton, E.J. and Burn, C.R. and Nelson, F.E.
Country Reports 2021: Reports from the Adhering Bodies of the International Permafrost Association.
Project Report.
International Permafrost Association (IPA).
European Commission, -
The European Commission: Space and the Arctic.
European Union.
European Commission, -
The European Union and the Arctic region. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council.
Technical Report.
European Union.
Bloomberg, Mike and Carney, Mark
Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero - 2022 Progress Report.
Project Report.
GFANZ - Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.
European Union, EU
Joint communication: Developing a European Union Policy towards the Arctic Region: progress since 2008 and next steps.
European Union.
Sumarliðason, Emil Ísleifur and Villalobos, Santiago and Ólafsdóttir, Sóley
Mapping Arctic Research in Iceland.
Icelandic Centre for Research, RANNÍS, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Dale, Brigt and Hovelsrud, Grete and Lindberg, Helena Gonzales
Northern Notes 59 - The Global Arctic.
International Arctic Social Sciences Association, Bodø, Norway.
Dale, Brigt and Hovelsrud, Grete and Lindberg, Helena Gonzales
Northern Notes 60 - Coming together in Bodø.
International Arctic Social Sciences Association, Bodø, Norway.
Lindberg, Helena Gonzales and Hovelsrud, Grete
Northern Notes 61 - Leaving Bodø, Coming to Nuuk.
International Arctic Social Sciences Association, Bodø, Norway.
Ackrén, Maria and Spitzer, Aaron John and Arnfjord, Per
Northern Notes 62 - IASSA in Nuuk.
International Arctic Social Sciences Association, Nuussuaq, Greenland.
Norway's Chairship Arctic Council 2023 - 2025.
Project Report.
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway.
Maddox, Marisol and Lea, Lyston
Polar Perspectives No 13 - The Intelligence Community Must Evolve To Meet the Reality of Arctic Change.
Technical Report.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, USA.
European Union, EU
The inventory of activities in the framework of developing a European Union Arctic Policy.
European Union.
Conference or Workshop Item
Rogoff, Alice
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Jóhannsson, Halldór
Arctic Portal - The Arctic gateway.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Khomiakova, Dr.Tatiana
Arctic Shipping Development Prospects Evaluation: Nuclear Icebreaker Fleet in the Northern Sea Route.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Barry, Tom
Arctic sea ice associated biodiversity: importance and challenges.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Su, Dr. Bob
Bob Su on Humanity, Communities, Minds, Perceptions and Knowledge on Ice.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Björnsson, Helgi
Can we imagine a World without Ice?
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Kulkarni, Dr. Anil
Dr. Anil Kulkarni on Implications of Ice Melt.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Heininen, Dr. Lassi
Dr. Lassi Heininen, chair of NRF, opening statement.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Freeburg, Adam
Evaluating Prehistoric Sea Ice Variability and Culture Change in Northwest Alaska.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Laliberte, Jennifer
Frozen in Memory?: Northern Identity in Imagination and Reality.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Johnson, Mona
How mobility and other UArctic-programs can be used to communicate new knowledge.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Itta, Edward
Life in North Slope Borough.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Paudel, Keshav Prasad
Local effects of cryospheric change on agriculture and pasture in Nepal Trans Himalaya.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Mool, Pradeep
Monitoring and assessment of changes in Glaciers, Snow, and Glacio-hydrology in the Hindu Kush – Himalaya.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Bertelsen, Rasmus
North Atlantic Micro State Security Governance: Facing Structural, Natural and Political Challenges Historically, Today and in the Future.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Cela, Margrét
The Northern Research Forum, a case study for High Northern cooperation.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Sudakov, Ivan
Permafrost and Greenhouse Gases: Towards Sustainable Development or Catastrophe of Our Ice Dependent World?
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Thompson, Lonnie
Professor Lonnie Thompson: On Implications of Ice Melt.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Vaughan, Jessica
The Quaternary glacial history of Banks Island, NWT: how the paleo-record can help us predict future glacier change.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Herr, Dr. Richard
Regional Constraints on Soft Law Legitimacy: Some Australian Geopolitical Perspectives.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Kalentchenko, Mikhail
Russian Institutional Framework for International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Ogilvie, Dr. Astrid
Sea Ice as Enemy and Friend: The Case of Iceland and Labrador.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Song, Yongjia
Sea Ice melting in Arctic.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Pettersson, Dr. Lasse
Sea ice navigation in the Northern Sea Route.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Ingólfsdóttir, Auður
Securitization of Climate Change in the Arctic - The Case of Iceland.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Gashiliva , Dr. Ludmila
Social adaptation of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North to the changing ice environment.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Vardy, Mark
Sovereignty as a Social Issue: The case of Inuit Nunangat.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Finger, Matthias
The "State" of the Arctic.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Sigurðsson, Stefán B.
Stefán B. Sigurðsson, Rector of University of Akureyri. Opening statement.
In: 6th NRF Open Assembly, 3.-6. September 2011, Hveragerði, Iceland.
Hjalti, Hreinsson
Photos from NRF 6th Open Assembly in Iceland.
Rogoff, Alice
Jóhannsson, Halldór
Arctic Portal.
Khomiakova, Tatiana
Arctic Shipping Development Prospects Evaluation: Nuclear Icebreaker Fleet in the Northern Sea Route.
Pettersson, Lasse
Arctic laws.
Barry, Tom
Arctic sea ice associated biodiversity: importance and challenges.
Heininen, Lassi
Closing remarks.
Dr. Lonnie , Thompson
Dr. Lonnie Thompson.
Freeburg, Adam
Evaluating Prehistoric Sea Ice Variability and Culture Change in Northwest Alaska.
Laliberte, Jennifer
Frozen in Memory?: Northern Identity in Imagination and Reality.
Degeorges, Damien
Greenland's state-building in a changing Arctic: climate, energy and geopolitics.
Johnson, Mona
How mobility and other UArctic-programs can be used to communicate new knowledge.
Alfreðsson, Guðmundur
Human Rights on Ice.
Bob, Su
Humanity, Communities, Minds, Perceptions and
Knowledge on Ice.
Kulkarni, Anvil
Humanity, communities, Minds, Perceptions and Knowledge on Ice.
Holmberg, Liisa
Ice and the Saami People.
Kullerud, Lars
Knowledge on Ice.
Prasad Paudel, Keshav
Local effects of cryospheric change on agriculture and pasture in Nepal Trans Himalaya.
Mool, Pradrep
Monitoring and assessment of changes in Glaciers, Snow, and Glacio-hydhe Hindu Kush – Himalaya.
Itta, Edward
Mr. Edward Itta, Mayor of North Slope Borough, Alaska.
Bertelsen, Rasmus
North Atlantic Micro State Security Governance: Facing Structural, Natural and Political Challenges Historically, Today and in the Future.
Margrét, Cela
The Northern Research Forum, a case study for High Northern cooperation.
Lassi, Heinenen
Opening words by Lassi Heinenen at the 6th NRF Open Assembly.
Stefán B. , Sigurðsson
Opening words by Stefán B. Sigurðsson at the 6th NRF Open Assembly.
Dr. Arthur, Chilingarov
Opening words from Dr. Arthur Chilingarov at NRF Open Assembly 2011.
Arteau, Jean-François
Our Ice Dependent World - Impacts and Challenges for the Inuit of Nunavik, Arctic Quebec, Canada.
Sudakov, Ivan
Permafrost and Greenhouse Gases: Towards Sustainable Development or Catastrophe of Our Ice Dependent World?
Yao, Tandong
Professor´s Yao Tandong opening statement at NRF Open Assembly 2011.
Vaughan, Jessica
The Quaternary glacial history of Banks Island, NWT: how the paleo-record can help us predict future glacier change.
Herr, Richard
Regional Constraints on Soft Law Legitimacy: Some Australian Geopolitical Perspectives.
Kalentchenko, Mikhail
Russian Institutional Framework for International Environmental Cooperation in the Arctic.
Ogilvie, Astrid
Sea Ice as Enemy and Friend: The Case of Iceland and Labrador.
Song, Yongjia
Sea Ice melting in Arctic.
Auður, Ingólfsdóttir
Securitization of Climate Change in the Arctic - The Case of Iceland.
Gashiliva , Ludmila
Social adaptation of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North to the changing ice environment.
Vardy, Mark
Sovereignty as a Social Issue: The case of Inuit Nunangat.
Kuupik, Kleist
Statement from Kuupik Kleist at the NRF Open Assembly 2011.
Dorough, Dr. Dalee Sambo
The inter-related implications for Arctic Indigenous Peoples.
Finger, Matthias
The state of the Arctic.
Björnsson, Helgi
A world without ice.
The Arctic Journal.
Baltic Local Agenda 21 Forum.
Conference of Arctic Parliamentarians (CPAR).
Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response Working Group.
IPY Eurasian Arctic Sub-Office.
Indigenous Survival International.
International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC).
North Atlantic Biocultural Organization.
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO).
The Pacific Arctic Group (PAG).
ReNo - Restoration of damaged Ecosystems in the Nordic countries - a Nordic multidisciplinary network.
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East (RAIPON).
Legal Documents
Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between Non - profit Partnership Center for the Preservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage and the National Archives of Norway.
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This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 13:35:59 2025 GMT.