Items where Subject is "Peoples, Cultures and Societies > Sustainable Development"
Group by: Item Type | Creators Number of items at this level: 27. AArctic Council, Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) (2008) Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic. Project Report. Norsk Polarinstitutt - Norwegian Polar Institute. BBlom, Anders and Brady, Anne-Marie and Brigham, Lawson and Conley, Heather and Daly, Michael and Hamilton, Neil and Hansen, Rúni M. and Harper, Susan and Henriksen, Sturla and Kamikawa, Yoko and Kortunov, Andrei V. and Minerd, Scott and Pickard, Ann and Roosevelt, Theodore and Smith, Laurence C. and Støre, Jonas Gahr and Tae-Yul, Cho and Treadwell, Mead and Tschudi, Felix H. and Volynets, Artem and Winther, Jan-Gunnar and Yuhang, Wang (2015) Arctic Investment Protocol. Technical Report. World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland. Burgess, Philip (2018) Indigenous Youth, Food Knowledge & Arctic Change - EALLU. Project Report. Arctic Council Secretariat, Kautokeino, Norway. Bryksenkov, Andrey and Kondrakhin, Pavel and Cherniy, Dmitry and Sergeev, Mikhail and Shaginyan, Liana (2023) Solutions for Sustainable Economic Development - 4th Arctic Science Ministerial Meeting Report. Discussion Paper. Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Baer, Lars Anders (2010) Study on the impact of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures on reindeer herding. Working Paper. United Nations Economic and Social Council. Bertelsen, Rasmus (2016) Triple-helix knowledge-based Sino-Nordic Arctic relationships for trust and sustainable development. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 180-184. EEmmerson, Charles and Lahn, Glada Arctic Opening: Opportunity and Risk in the High North. Project Report. Chatham House. Eira, Inger Marie G. and Magga , O.H. and Bongo, Mathis P. and Sara, Mikkel Nils and Mathiesen, Svein D. and Oskal, Anders (2008) The Challenges of Arctic Reindeer Herding: The Interface Between Reindeer Herders Knowledge and Modern Understanding of the Ecology, Economy, Sociology and Management of Sami Reindeer Herding. Sami University College. Erdal, Lisa Independence on the Horizon: A Study of the Interplay Between Sovereignty and Natural Resources in Greenland. Project Report. Fridtjof Nansens Institute . FForbes, Bruce C. and Stammler, Florian (2009) Arctic climate change discourse: the contrasting politics of research agendas in the West and Russia. Polar Research (28). pp. 28-42. Forbes, Bruce C. (2008) Equity, Vulnerability and Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems: a contemporary example from the Russian Arctic. Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, 15. pp. 203-236. GGlomsrød, Solveig and Aslaksen, Lulie (2006) Economy of the North. Project Report. Statistics Norway, Oslo, Norway. JJiayu, Bai and Voronenko, Alexandr (2016) Lessons and prospects of Sino-Russian Arctic cooperation. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 185-191. Jóhannesson, Hjalti and de Roo, Colette and Robaey, Zoë (2011) Sustainable Planning of Megaprojects in the Circumpolar North - broadening the horizon, gaining insight empowering local stakeholders. Project Report. University of Akureyri Research Centre. Jernsletten, Johnny-Leo L. and Klokov, Konstantin B. (2002) Sustainable Reindeer Husbandry. [Website] KKarlsen, James and Kvåle, Gro and Nesje, Liv Mari (2007) Evaluering av Internasjonalt fag- og formidlingssenter for reindrift. [Project] LLarsen, Joan Nymand Ed. (2010) Arctic Social Indicators - A follow-up to the Arctic Human Development Report. Documentation. Nordic Council of Ministers. Luo, Ying and Yang, Li and Lobanov, Andrew Alexandrovich and Andronov, Sergei Vasilevich and Lobanova, Lidiya Petrovna (2020) Sino-Russian cooperation on the sustainable utilization of Arctic biological resources: modernizing traditional knowledge. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (3). pp. 224-235. MMarin, Andrei F. (2006) CONFINED AND SUSTAINABLE? A CRITIQUE OF RECENT PASTORAL POLICY FOR REINDEER HERDING IN FINNMARK, NORTHERN NORWAY. NOMADIC PEOPLES, 10. pp. 209-232. ISSN 0822-7942 (Print), ISSN 1752-2366 (Online) NNordic Council of Ministers, NCoM (2010) Arctic - Changing Realities. In: Arctic - Changing Realities, Copenahgen, Denmark. PPogodaev, Mikhail and Oskal, Anders (2015) YOUTH.THE FUTURE OF REINDEER HERDING PEOPLES. Documentation. Arctic Council. SShan, Yanyan and Lin, Hui (2024) Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement: China’s role and implications for sustainable Arctic governance. Advances in Polar Science, 35 (4). pp. 473-481. TTaylor and Francis, Group The Polar Journal. [Website] UUnited Nations, - Agenda 21. Documentation. United Nations. United Nations, - World Conservation Strategy. Project Report. United Nations. WWorld Economic, Forum (2014) Demystifying the Arctic. Authored by the Members of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Arctic, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland 22-25 January 2014. Working Paper. World Economic Forum. YYing, Luo and Lobanov, Andrew Alexandrovich and Fengming, Hui and Andronov, Sergei Vasilevich and Lobanova, Lidiya Petrovna and Bogdanova, Elena Nikolaevna and Grishechkina, Irina Alexandrovna and Popov, Andrei Ivanovich and Fedorov, Roman Yurievich (2021) Traditional Arctic native fish storage methods and their role in the sustainable development of the Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (2). pp. 161-171. |