Items where Subject is "Natural Environment > Terrestrial"
Group by: Item Type | Creators Number of items at this level: 232. ArticleDawei, Ma and Renbin, Zhu and Wei, Ding and Jianjun, Sun and Yashu, Liu and Liguang, Sun (2011) Alkaline phosphatase activity in ornithogenic soils in polar tundra. Advances in Polar Science, 22 (2). pp. 92-100. Lianjiao, Yang and Xianyan, Qin and Liguang, Sun and Tao, Huang and Yuhong, Wang (2015) Analysis of phosphorus forms in sediment cores from ephemeral ponds on Ardley Island, West Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 26 (1). pp. 47-54. Kim, Seong-Joong and Choi, Hye-Sun and Kim, Baek-Min and Park, Sang-Jong and Shim, Taehyoun and Kim, Joo-Hong (2013) Analysis of recent climate change over the Arctic using ERA-Interim reanalysis data. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (4). pp. 326-338. Mengxi, Zhai and Tiancheng, Zhao and Fengming, Hui and Xiao, Cheng and Aobo, Liu and Jiawei, Yuan and Yining, Yu and Yifan, Ding (2019) Anomalous extensive landfast sea ice in the vicinity of Inexpressible Island, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (4). pp. 406-411. Meltofte, Hans (2009) Arctic Biodiversity Assessment - Author Principles and Guidelines March 2009. CAFF. (Unpublished) Lidong, Lin and Nengfei, Wang and Wenbing, Han and Botao, Zhang and Jiaye, Zang and Qinxin, Li and Yiling, Qin and Long, Wang and Fang, Zhang and Jie, Liu (2022) Bacterial community diversity of meltwater runoff and soil in Midre Lovénbreen glacier in Ny-Ålesund, Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 33 (2). pp. 167-180. Chuanyu, Hu and Bin, Xue and Peisong, Yu and Jianming, Pan (2008) Biogenic silica in surficial sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 19 (1). pp. 45-53. McRae, Louise and Deinet, S and Gill, M.J. and Collen, Ben CAFF Assessment Series No. 8. The Arctic Species Trend Index: Tracking trends in Arctic vertebrate populations through space and time. CAFF Assessment Series. Eamer, Joan and Russell, Don and McRae, Louise and Bohm, M. CAFF Assessment Series No. 9. The Arctic Species Trend Index 2011: Key findings from an in-depth look at marine species and development of spatial analysis techniques. CAFF Assessment Series 9. Livingstone, David (2011) CAFF Monitoring Series Report No.5 - Circumpolar Protected Areas Monitoring Arctic Protected Areas Monitoring Scheme Background Paper. Monitoring Series. CAFF, CAFF CAFF Progress Report to Senior Arctic Officials November 2011. CAFF Publication Series. Ruijing, Li and Yunze, Gao and Hui, Gao and Shuaichen, Jin and Shengkai, Cao and Jiandong, Ye and Guangshui, Na (2020) Characterization of the parent and hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soil of the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (1). pp. 64-73. Yonghua, Liu and Hongqiao, Hu and Huigen, Yang and Beichen, Zhang and Bo, Sun and Fuhai, Wei and Yang, Liu and Jianjun, Liu and Rui, Wang and Zhuotian, Chen and Zejun, Hu and Desheng, Han and Guitao, Shi and Zhengyi, Hu and Tao, Wang and Chunlei, An and Rose, Mike (2016) Chinese Antarctic Magnetometer Chain at the Cusp Latitude. Advances in Polar Science, 17 (2). pp. 102-106. Talbot, Stephen Circumboreal Vegetation Map (CBVM): Concept Paper. CAFF Strategy Series Report No. 3. CAFF Flora Group (CFG). CAFF Publication Series: Strategy. Castellanos, Gilbert Circumpolar Protected Areas Monitoring: Workshop report and supporting document to the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) Arctic Protected Areas Monitoring Group. CAFF Publication Series - Proceedings . Longhua, Lu and Lingen, Bian and Zhengqiu, Zhang (2011) Climate change: Impact on the Arctic, Antarctic and Tibetan Plateau. Advances in Polar Science, 22 (2). pp. 67-73. CBMP, CBMP Community Based Monitoring Handbook: Lessons from the Arctic and Beyond. CAFF CBMP Report. ISSN 978-9979-9778-1-0 Hongwei, Liu and Ben, Yu and Jianbo, Shi and Qinghua, Zhang and Guibin, Jiang (2017) Comparison of two pretreatment methods for mercury stable isotope analysis in Antarctic moss. Advances in Polar Science, 28 (1). pp. 75-80. Lixia, Shao and Rongcheng, Lin and Yahui, Gao and Dingyong, Huang (2013) Composition and distribution of diatom assemblages in the surface sediments of the Bering Sea. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (3). pp. 167-174. Saizhang, Tan and Peisong, Yu and Chuanyu, Hu and Zhengbing, Han and Haisheng, Zhang (2013) Concentrations and distribution of biogenic barium in surface sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (3). pp. 153-157. Hong, Chen and Wei, Wang and Yue, Zhao (2019) Constraints on early Paleozoic magmatic processes and tectonic setting of Inexpressible Island, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (5). pp. 52-69. Gelfo, Javier N. (2024) Contributions to the knowledge of Antarctodon sobrali (Mammalia: Astrapotheria) from the Eocene of Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 35 (1). pp. 48-62. O'Gorman, José Patricio and Otero, Rodrigo and Reguero, Marcelo and Gasparini, Zulma (2019) Cretaceous Antarctic plesiosaurs: stratigraphy, systematics and paleobiogeography. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (3). pp. 210-227. CBMP, CBMP Developing an Integrated and Sustained Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring Network: CAFF CBMP Report 14 (March 2008). CAFF Strategy Publication Series. Liudong, Ren and Shi, Zong and Yanbin, Wang and Chong, Li (2018) Distribution domains of the Pan-African event in East Antarctica and adjacent areas. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (2). pp. 87-107. Xindong, Ma and Yanjie, Wang and Guangshui, Na and Zhongsheng, Lin and Chuanguang, Zhou and Zhen, Wang and Ziwei, Yao (2009) Distribution of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in Ny-Ålesund of the Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 20 (1). pp. 48-56. Wei, Ding and Qing, Wang and Renbin, Zhu and Dawei, Ma (2015) Distribution patterns of typical enzyme activities in tundra soils on the Fildes Peninsula of maritime Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 26 (1). pp. 38-46. Chunjuan, Wang and Zhihua, Chen and Chunshun, Li and Dewen, Du and Shijuan, Yan and Zhiwei, Zhu (2014) Distributions of surface sediments surrounding the Antarctic Peninsula and its environmental significance. Advances in Polar Science, 25 (3). pp. 164-174. Pan, Shing Yi and Tan, Geok Yuan Annie and Convey, Peter and Pearce, David A. and Tan, Irene K. P. (2013) Diversity and bioactivity of actinomycetes from Signy Island terrestrial soils, maritime Antarctic. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (4). pp. 208-212. Tao, Zhang and Lili, Zhao and Caiyun, Yu and Tao, Wei and Liyan, Yu (2017) Diversity and bioactivity of cultured aquatic fungi from the High Arctic region. Advances in Polar Science, 28 (1). pp. 29-42. Zhu, Yuwen and Yu, Liyan and Zhang, Tao (2024) Diversity and interactions of lichen mycobionts and photobionts in the Fildes Region, King George Island, maritime Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 35 (3). pp. 385-399. Xueyuan, Tang and Bo, Sun and Yuansheng, Li and Xiangbin, Cui (2012) Dome Argus: Ideal site for deep ice drilling. Advances in Polar Science, 23 (1). pp. 47-54. Kurvitz, Tiina ECORA : An Integrated Ecosystem Management Approach to Conserve Biodiversity and minimizing habitat fragmentation in the Russian Arctic - 2009 - Russian. CAFF Publication Series. Jiawei, Cui and Jianmin, Hu and Junling, Pei and Hong, Chen and Xingxing, Du and Lijie, Wei (2019) Early Cenozoic diorite and diabase from Doumer Island, Antarctic Peninsula: zircon U-Pb geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (2). pp. 149-164. Zilliacus, Harry (2021) Early glaciological and Quaternary Geology cooperation. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (4). pp. 275-280. Xiaoping, Pang and Yanhong, Li (2012) Eco-environmental spatial characteristics of Fildes Peninsula based on TuPu models. Advances in Polar Science, 23 (3). pp. 155-162. Zhou, Zheng and Jinlai, Miao and Guangfeng, Kan and Qing, Jin and Yu, Ding and Fangming, Liu and Shouqiang, Wang and Yibin, Wang (2010) Effect of high salinity on cell growth and protein production of Antarctic ice microalgae Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L. Advances in Polar Science, 21 (1). pp. 81-90. Tao, Bao and Renbin, Zhu and Wenjuan, Ye and Hua, Xu (2020) Effects of sunlight on tundra nitrous oxide and methane fluxes in maritime Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (3). pp. 178-191. Yue, Ma and Nengfei, Wang and Shuang, Wang and Wenbing, Han and Jie, Liu and Yong, Yu and Li, Guo and Guanpin, Yang (2019) Effects of vegetation on the structure and diversity of soil bacterial communities in the Arctic tundra. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (2). pp. 139-148. Zemin, Wang and Songtao, Ai and Shengkai, Zhang and Yujun, Du (2011) Elevation determination of nunataks in the Grove Mountains. Advances in Polar Science, 22 (3). pp. 199-204. Huajie, Liu and Qingfeng, Wu and Shibo, Fang (2012) Factors influencing small-scale distribution of 10 macro-lichens in King George Island, West Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 23 (3). pp. 141-148. Xiaodong, Liu and Jing, Sun and Liguang, Sun and Wenqi, Liu and Yuhong, Wang (2010) Feasibility of using reflectance spectroscopy for the analysis of bio-element concentrations in Antarctic ornithogenic sediments. Advances in Polar Science, 21 (1). pp. 31-45. Doi, Koichiro and Hayakawa, Hideaki and Kazama, Takahito and Higashi, Toshihiro and Osono, Shingo and Fukuda, Yoichi and Nishijima, Jun and Aoyama, Yuichi and Ueda, Junichi (2013) Field measurements of absolute gravity in East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (4). pp. 339-343. Zemin, Wang and Zhi, Tan and Songtao, Ai and Haiyan, Liu and Guowei, Che GPR Surveying in the kernel area of Grove Mountains, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 25 (1). pp. 26-31. Jiachun, An and Zemin, Wang and Xinguo, Ning (2014) GPS-based regional ionospheric models and their suitability in Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 25 (1). pp. 32-37. Asthana, Rajesh and Shrivastava, Prakash Kumar and Srivastava, Hari Bahadur and Beg, Mirza Javed and Kumar, Pradeep (2013) Hydrochemistry and sediment characteristics of polar periglacial lacustrine environments on Fisher Island and Broknes Peninsula, East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (4). pp. 281-295. Walker, D. An International Arctic Vegetation Database: A foundation for panarctic biodiveristy studies. CAFF Strategy Series. Lamanna, Matthew C. and Case, Judd A. and Roberts, Eric M. and Arbour, Victoria M. and Ely, Ricardo C. and Salisbury, Steven W. and Clarke, Julia A. and Malinzak, D. Edward and West, Abagael R. and O'Connor, Patrick M. (2019) Late Cretaceous non-avian dinosaurs from the James Ross Basin, Antarctica: description of new material, updated synthesis, biostratigraphy, and paleobiogeography. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (3). pp. 228-250. Montes, Manuel and Beamud, Elisabet and Nozal, Francisco and Santillana, Sergio (2019) Late Maastrichtian Paleocene chronostratigraphy from Seymour Island, James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula: Eustatic controls on sedimentation. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (3). pp. 303-327. Weinan, Liu and Rujian, Wang and Jianfang, Chen and Zhenbo, Cheng and Zhihua, Chen and Yechen, Sun (2011) Late Quaternary terrigenous sedimentation in the Western Arctic Ocean as exemplified by a sedimentary record from the Alpha Ridge. Advances in Polar Science, 22 (4). pp. 215-222. Renfeng, Ge and Zhaoqian, Dong and Hongxia, Chen and Na, Liu and Jiuxing, Shi and Shuzhen, Pu (2011) Marine hydrographic spatial-variability and its cause at the northern margin of the Amery Ice Shelf. Advances in Polar Science, 22 (2). pp. 74-80. Amenábar, Cecilia R. and Caramés, Andrea and Adamonis, Susana and Doldan, Ana and Maceiras, Gabriel and Concheyro, Andrea (2019) Mesozoic and Cenozoic microbiotas from eastern Antarctic Peninsula: adaptation to a changing palaeoenvironment. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (3). pp. 165-185. Longyao, Chen and Wei, Wang and Xiaochun, Liu and Yue, Zhao (2018) Metamorphism and zircon U-Pb dating of high-pressure pelitic granulites from glacial moraines in the Grove Mountains, East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (2). pp. 118-134. Jianjun, Wang and Liguang, Sun (2009) Molecular organic geochemistry of ornithogenic sediment from Svalbard, Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 20 (1). pp. 32-39. Xu, Zhonghua and Hartinger, Michael D. and Clauer, Robert and Weimer, Daniel and Deshpande, Kshitija and Kim, Hyomin and Musko, Stephen and Willer, Anna and Edwards, Thomas and Coyle, Shane and Peng, Yuxiang and Lin, Dong and Bowman, John (2019) Newly established autonomous adaptive low-power instrument platform (AAL-PIP) chain on East Antarctic Plateau and operation. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (4). pp. 362-374. Guo, Mengjie and Wang, Qing and Zhang, Wanying and Jiao, Yi and Sun, Bowen and Hou, Lijun and Zhu, Renbin (2023) Nitrogen transformation processes in soil along a High Arctic tundra transect. Advances in Polar Science, 34 (2). pp. 105-124. Shenghao, Liu and Zhaohui, Zhang and Nengfei, Wang and Bailin, Cong and Pengying, Zhang and Xuezheng, Lin and Xiaohang, Huang (2014) Phylogenetic analysis and in vitro culture of mosses from the Antarctic Fildes Peninsula. Advances in Polar Science, 25 (2). pp. 97-104. Mengxi, Zhai and Leppäranta, Matti and Cheng, Bin and Ruibo, Lei and Fanyi, Zhang (2021) Physics of Arctic landfast sea ice and implications on the cryosphere: an overview. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (4). pp. 281-294. Peisong, Yu and Haisheng, Zhang and Chuanyu, Hu and Bing, Lu (2012) Phytoplankton community changes indicated by biomarker from sediment in Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 23 (4). pp. 225-230. Singh, Shiv Mohan and Sharma, Jagdev and Ravindra, Rasik and Singh, Purnima (2008) Plant Community and Nutrient Status of the Soils of Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 19 (1). pp. 63-76. Yifeng, Yao and Subir, Bera and Ferguson, David Kay and Chengsen, Li (2014) Pollen morphology in Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) from NyǺlesund, Svalbard, Arctic, and its taxonomic significance. Advances in Polar Science, 25 (2). pp. 105-112. Yifeng, Yao and Qi, Zhao and Subir, Bera and Xiaoli, Li and Chengsen, Li (2012) Pollen morphology of selected tundra plants from the high Arctic of Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Advances in Polar Science, 23 (2). pp. 103-115. Tong, Laixi and Liu, Zhao and Li, Chao and Lu, Junsheng and Yang, Wenqiang and Wang, Yanbin (2024) Polymetamorphism of the ultrahigh-temperature granulites in the Rauer Group, East Antarctica: new evidence from zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages. Advances in Polar Science, 35 (2). pp. 192-205. Yashu, Liu and Wanying, Zhang and Renbin, Zhu and Hua, Xu (2017) Potential methane and nitrous oxide production and respiration rates from penguin and seal colony tundra soils during freezing–thawing cycles under different water contents in coastal Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 28 (1). pp. 61-74. Tao, Bao and Renbin, Zhu and Bo, Bai and Hua, Xu (2016) Potential methane production rates and its carbon isotopic composition from ornithogenic tundra soils in coastal Antarctic. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (1). pp. 21-30. Zhuding, Chu and Xuebin, Yin and Liguang, Sun and Yuhong, Wang (2015) Preliminary evidence for 17 coastal terraces on Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 26 (1). pp. 80-87. Yan, Li and Feixin, Huang (2018) Preliminary investigation of rubidium distribution in the Grove Mountains area, East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (2). pp. 144-149. Guangwei, Li and Xiaohan, Liu and Feixin, Huang and Ping, Kong and David, Fink and Lijie, Wei and Aimin, Fang (2009) Preliminary study on the erratic exposure ages of Grove Mountains, East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 20 (1). pp. 15-21. Jinyao, Gao and Zhongyan, Shen and Chunguo, Yang and Wei, Wang and Fei, Ji and Zhaocai, Wu and Xiongwei, Niu and Weifeng, Ding and Dongxu, Li and Qiao, Zhang (2017) Progress in Antarctic marine geophysical research by the Chinese Polar Program. Advances in Polar Science, 28 (4). pp. 256-267. Dongchen, E and Zemin, Wang and Shengkai, Zhang (2018) Progress in Chinese Antarctic geodetic remote sensing. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (2). pp. 78-86. Popov, Sergey V. (2015) Recent Russian remote sensing investigations in Antarctica within the framework of scientific traverses. Advances in Polar Science, 26 (2). pp. 113-121. Zhongkang, Yang and Yuhong, Wang and Liguang, Sun (2018) Records in palaeo-notch sediment: changes in palaeo-productivity and their link to climate change from Svalbard. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (4). pp. 243-253. Talalay, Pavel (2012) Russian researchers reach subglacial Lake Vostok in Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 23 (3). pp. 176-180. Yingchun, Cui and Xiaochun, Liu and Chenguang, Liu and Jianhui, Liu (2018) SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of granites from Sansom Island, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (2). pp. 135-143. Bouchard, Frédéric and Agnan, Yannick and Bröder, Lisa and Fouché, Julien and Hirst, Catherine and Sjöberg, Ylva (2020) The SPLASH Action Group – Towards standardized sampling strategies in permafrost science. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (3). pp. 153-155. Lavrillier, Alexandra and Gabyshev, Semen and Rojo, Maxence (2016) The Sable for Evenk Reindeer Herders in Southeastern Siberia: Interplaying Drivers of Changes on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Climate Change, Worldwide Market Econonomy and Extractive Industries. Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Europe and Central Asia - Knowledges of Nature, 9. pp. 111-128. Liudong, Ren and Yanbin, Wang and Yue, Zhao (2008) Sapphirine in the high-grade quartzofeldspathic gneiss of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 19 (1). pp. 1-13. Gan, Irina and Drewry, David and Allison, Ian and Kotlyakov, Vladimir (2016) Science and exploration in the high interior of East Antarctica in the twentieth century. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (2). pp. 65-77. Xiaofei, Wang and Linxi, Yuan and Honghao, Luo and Nanye, Long and Yuhong, Wang and Liguang, Sun (2007) Source of and potential bio-indicator for the heavy metal pollution in Ny-Ålesund, Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 18 (2). pp. 110-121. Yangyang, Wei and Jing, Jin and Yaguang, Nie and Xin, Chen and Libin, Wu and Pingqing, Fu and Xiaodong, Liu and Emslie, Steven D. (2016) Sources of organic matter and paleo-environmental implications inferred from carbon isotope compositions of lacustrine sediments at Inexpressible Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (4). pp. 233-244. Wright, Claire M. and Blaser, Amy C. and Treitz, Paul M. and Scott, Neal A. (2021) Spatial variability in carbon dioxide exchange processes within wet sedge meadows in the Canadian High Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (1). pp. 1-19. Hii, Yii Siang and Alias, Siti Aisyah and Riofrío, Monica and Ordóñez, Nadia and Moreano, Hernán (2013) Spatial variability of soil nutrients in Punta Fort William, Greenwich Island, maritime Antarctic. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (4). pp. 273-280. Gill, M.J. A Strategy for Developing Indices and Indicators to track Status & Trends in Arctic Biodiversity - 2008 - Russian. CAFF Publication Series. Huntington, Henry A Strategy for Facilitating and Developing Community Based Monitoring Approaches in Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring - 2008 - Russian. CAFF Publication Series. Nor, Mohd Fadzil Firdzaus Bin Mohd and Samah, Azizan Bin Abu Samah (2013) Study of the climatic teleconnection between the Siberian high and maritime continent warm pool. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (4). pp. 315-325. Svoboda, Michael and Christensen, Tom and Jorgensen, E.T and Taylor, J.J. Terrestrial Expert Monitoring Group: Designing an Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Plan: 1st Workshop, Hvalso, Denmark, October 11-13, 2011. CAFF Proceedings Publications Sereis. Xiaochun, Liu and Xiaoxiao, Ling and Bor-ming, Jahn (2018) U-Th-Pb monazite and Sm-Nd dating of high-grade rocks from the Grove Mountains, East Antarctica: further evidence for a Pan-African-aged monometamorphic terrane. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (2). pp. 108-117. CBMP, CBMP and IASC, IASC and INTERACT, INTERACT Understanding Biodiversity Changes and Causes– Synergies in Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Research and Monitoring. CAFF Publication Series Proceedings Report. Shan, Jiang and Xiaodong, Liu and Liqiang, Xu and Liguang, Sun (2010) The changes of pigment contents and their environmental implications in the lake sediments of Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, the Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 21 (1). pp. 60-70. Mathew, Jennees and Shaji, Aswathy and Gopinath, Anu and Krishnan, Kottekkatu Padinchati and Louis, Sanil Vadakkan and Pradeep, Anoop Pullarkkat (2019) A characteristic study of humic acids isolated from Arctic fjord sediments. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (1). pp. 24-34. Chen, Shen and Chuanyu, Hu and Weiping, Sun and Haisheng, Zhang (2013) The content and distribution of Ge in the sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 24 (2). pp. 113-118. Lavrillier, Alexandra and Gabyshev, Semen (2018) An emic science of climate. Reindeer Evenki environmental knowledge and the notion of an “extreme process”. Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, 49. pp. 1-34. ISSN 2101-0013 Shengkai, Zhang and Dongchen, E and Yuansheng, Li and Zemin, Wang and Chunxia, Zhou and Qiang, Shen (2008) The first geodetic investigation at the summit of Dome A, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 19 (1). pp. 85-92. Gelfo, Javier N. and Goin, Francisco J. and Bauzá, Nicolás and Reguero, Marcelo (2019) The fossil record of Antarctic land mammals: commented review and hypotheses for future research. Advances in Polar Sciences, 30 (3). pp. 274-292. Meijian, An and Wiens, Douglas A. and Yue, Zhao (2016) A frozen collision belt beneath ice: an overview of seismic studies around the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (2). pp. 78-89. Van Wyk de Vries, Maximilian (2018) A glacial control on the eruption rate of Mt Erebus, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (3). pp. 165-180. Kai, Eg Xiang and Wan Johari, Wan Lutfi and Habib, Syahir and Yasid, Nur Adeela and Ahmad, Siti Aqlima and Shukor, Mohd Yunus (2020) The growth of the Rhodococcus sp. on diesel fuel under the effect of heavy metals and different concentrations of zinc. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (2). pp. 132-136. Soto Acuña, Sergio and Vargas, Alexander O. and Kaluza, Jonatan (2024) A new look at the first dinosaur discovered in Antarctica: reappraisal of Antarctopelta oliveroi (Ankylosauria: Parankylosauria). Advances in Polar Science, 35 (1). pp. 78-107. Zheng, Wei and Zhaoru, Zhang and Vihma, Timo and Xiaoqiao, Wang and Yuanjie, Chen (2021) An overview of Antarctic polynyas: sea ice production, forcing mechanisms, temporal variability and water mass formation. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (4). pp. 295-311. Liudong, Ren and Chonghui, Yang and Yanbin, Wang and Ping, Liu and Yue, Zhao (2009) The protoliths to the sillimanite gneisses from the Larsemann Hills and geological implication in their formation. Advances in Polar Science, 20 (1). pp. 1-14. MonographArctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2006) 2006 Annual Report: CBMP. Other. CAFF. Baeseman, J. (2021) 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial Report - Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic. Documentation. Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland. AMAP, - (2009) AMAP 2009 Update on Selected Climate Issues of concern. Observations, Short-lIved Climate Forcers, Arctic Carbon Cycle, and Predictive Capability. Documentation. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment program (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. AMAP, - (2010) AMAP Assessment 2009: Radioactivity in the Arctic. Project Report. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment program (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. Arctic Council, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2001) ARCTIC FLORA AND FAUNA: Status and Conservation. Documentation. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF). Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2010) Arctic Biodiversity Trends 2010 - Selected indicators of change. (Booklet in multiple languages). Other. CAFF International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2002) Arctic Flora and Fauna: Recommendations for Conservation. Documentation. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF). Arctic Council, Arctic Monitoring ans Assessment Programme (AMAP) (2008) Arctic Oil and Gas 2007. Documentation. Arctic Council. AMAP, - (2011) Arctic Pollution 2011. Project Report. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment program (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. Nilsson, Annika E. and Huntington, Henry P. (2009) Arctic pollution 2009. Documentation. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment program (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. DeAngelo, Benjamin Ed. (2011) An Assessment of Emissions and Mitigation Options for Black Carbon for the Arctic Council; Technical Report of the Arctic Council Task Force on Short´Lived Climate Forcers. Technical Report. Arctic Council. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2006) CAFF 2004-2006 Progress Report. Project Report. CAFF International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2006) CAFF 2004-2006 Progress Report test. Project Report. CAFF International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2009) CAFF CBMP Report - Developing Integrated and Sustained Arctic Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Monitoring Networks. Discussion Paper. CAFF. Torikka-Gelencsér, R. and Fleener, C. and Gofman, V. and Peskov, V. and Retter, G.-B. (2004) CAFF CBMP Report No. 9: Community-based Monitoring – a discussion paper. Discussion Paper. CAFF International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. Gill, M. et al. (2008) CAFF CBMP Report No.12 - A Strategy for Developing Indices and Indicators to Track Status and Trends in Arctic Biodiversity. Technical Report. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF), Akureyri Iceland. Huntingdon, Henry (2008) CAFF CBMP Report No.13 - A Strategy for Facilitating and Promoting Community-Based Monitoring Approaches in Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring. Technical Report. Conservation of Arctic Flora anf Fauna Working Group (CAFF), Akureyri Iceland. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2009) CAFF CBMP Report No.14 --- CBMP Implementation Plan. Project Report. CAFF, Akureyri Iceland. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2009) CAFF CBMP Report No.15 - Framework for a Circumpolar Arctic Seabird Monitoring Network. Project Report. CAFF, Akureyri Iceland. Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2004) CAFF Habitat Conservation Report No.11 - CPAN Country Updates Report. Technical Report. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (CAFF). 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