Number of items: 27.
AMAP, 2017. Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic (AACA) - Baffin Bay / Davis Strait Region Overview report. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. 24 pp.
AMAP, 2017. Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern. Summary for Policy-makers. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. 16 pp.
AMAP, 2017. Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost. Summary for Policy-makers. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. 20 pp.
Molenaar, Erik and Corell, Robert
Arctic Fisheries.
Thorsteinsson, Thorsteinn and Pundsack, Jonathan
Arctic-HYDRA Consortium (2010). Arctic-HYDRA: The Arctic Hydrological Cycle Monitoring, Modelling and Assessment Programme.
Magga , O.H. and Mathiesen, Svein D.
Arktalaš hearkkivuođa guorahallan: Boazodoallu nuppásteaddji dálkkádagas - birgenmekanismmat ja heivehannávccat ?
Smith, Sharon and Brown, Jerry
Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables - T7 - Permafrost and seasonally frozen ground.
Kemi, Karen Inga
BIRGEN - Tradisjonell kunnskap og opplæring i reindriften 2. periode.
Kemi, Karen Inga
BIRGEN: Tradisjonell kunnskap og opplæring i reindriften.
Boazoealahus nissonolbmot Norggas.
Canada´s Legal Claims over the Arctic Territories and Waters.
Gaup Eira, Inger Marie and Eira, Ravdna B.M.
EALÁT Anar Workshop Report.
Victoria, Lipnick
Engineering Degree Resources.
Karlsen, James and Kvåle, Gro and Nesje, Liv Mari
Evaluering av Internasjonalt fag- og formidlingssenter for reindrift.
Macneill, Christopher Mark
Gaining Command and Control of the Northwest Passage.
University of Illinois, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS)
Global Security, Climate Change, and the Arctic.
Vistnes, Ingunn and Nellemann, Christian and Strøm Bull, Kirsti
Inngrep i reinbeiteland Biologi, jus og strategier i utbyggingssaker.
Mäkitalo, Minna P.E. and Sikku , Anders and Inga, Hans
Borchert, Nanna
Land is Life: Traditional Sami Reindeer Grazing Threatened in Northern Sweden.
Kondratieva, Valentina and Maksimov, Valery
Реализация проекта "Человек в Арктике" в Республике Саха (Якутия)
(Man in the Arctic Project implementation).
Northern Sea Route January 2009.
Reindriftskvinner i Norge.
Scientific Comittee on Antarctic Research, SCAR
SCAR Report on Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment.
Sametinget i Sverige, -
Sametingets Livsmiljöprogram Eallinbiras/Iellembirás/Jielemen Bijre.
Vistnes, Ingunn and Lie, Ivar and Karlsen, Geir Runar and Nygaard, Vigdis and Søreng Ulfsdatter , Siri
Utbygging og drift av Goliat oljefelt Konsekvensutredning samiske forhold Development of and production at Goliat oil field Impacts on Saami conditions Goliat oljoguovllu huksen ja doaimmaheapmi Váikkuhusčielggadeapmi sámi diliid birra.
Many Strong Voices, -
Workshop Proceedings Many Strong Voices Stakeholder Workshop.
Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang and Boike, Julia and Lantuit, Hugues and Kais, Leena policy paper.
This list was generated on Wed Nov 20 19:19:23 2024 GMT.