Items where Subject is "Natural Resources and Industry > Energy"

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Number of items at this level: 67.


Kakareka, Sergey (2020) Air pollutants and greenhouse gases emission inventory for power plants in the Antarctic. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (4). pp. 274-283.

Borgerson, Scott (2008) Arctic Meltdown - The Economic and Security Implications of Global Warming. Foreign Affairs, 87 (2). pp. 63-77.

Jinping, Zhao and Weibo, Wang and Lee, Cooper (2010) Calculation of photosynthetically available radiation using multispectral data in the Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 21 (2). pp. 113-126.

Bingrui, Li and Weijia, Qin and Jingxue, Guo and Yiwen, Zhao and Jianhong, Liang (2010) Experimental Application of Intelligent Robot Technology in Antarctic Scientific Expedition. Advances in Polar Science, 21 (1). pp. 91-99.

Krassovski, Misha B. and Riggs, Jeffery S. and Tavino, Chris and Wullschleger, Stan D. and Heinz, Susan L. (2020) Hybrid energy module for remote environmental observations, experiments, and communications. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (3). pp. 156-166.

Jimenez, Cesar Lozano (2020) Installing a prototype wind turbine to produce energy in Antarctica to allow a permanent Colombian scientific base to be established. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (4). pp. 258-273.

Shifeng, Pan and Mingkeng, Duan (2020) Large spread across AeroCom Phase II models in simulating black carbon in melting snow over Arctic sea ice. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (4). pp. 291-298.

Yurganov, Leonid and Muller-Karger, Frank and Leifer, Ira (2019) Methane increase over the Barents and Kara seas after the autumn pycnocline breakdown: satellite observations. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (4). pp. 382-390.

Bin, Li and Chenglin, Liu and Yue, Zhao and Weiyu, Hong and Yingqi, Ping and Dexiu, Liang (2017) Petroleum resource assessment of the East Greenland Basin. Advances in Polar Science, 28 (4). pp. 297-310.

Jinping, Zhao and Barber, David and Tao, Li and Shujiang, Li and Xiang, Li (2008) Radiation of lamp and optimized experiment using artificial light in the Arctic Ocean. Advances in Polar Science, 19 (2). pp. 249-260.

Wang, Lei (2024) Research and exploration of direct current power supply and distribution systems for Antarctic research stations. Advances in Polar Science, 35 (2). pp. 228-237.

Jialin, Han (2018) Research on governance of HFO use and carriage on ships in accordance with the Polar Code. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (4). pp. 283-290.

Minghu, Ding and Agrawal, Anubha and Heil, Petra and Diyi, Yang (2019) Surface energy balance on the Antarctic plateau as measured with an automatic weather station during 2014. Advances in Polar Science, 30 (2). pp. 93-105.

Zhao, Li and Dongxiang, Lu and Zilu, Sun and Chuan, Li (2021) Utilization of clean energy and future trend of Antarctic research stations. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (3). pp. 185-194.

Kakareka, Sergey and Salivonchyk, Sviatlana (2020) An assessment of the impacts of diesel power plants on air quality in Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (1). pp. 74-87.

Kai, Eg Xiang and Wan Johari, Wan Lutfi and Habib, Syahir and Yasid, Nur Adeela and Ahmad, Siti Aqlima and Shukor, Mohd Yunus (2020) The growth of the Rhodococcus sp. on diesel fuel under the effect of heavy metals and different concentrations of zinc. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (2). pp. 132-136.


Unspecified (2013) AES Executive Summary. Technical Report. The Institute of the North, Akureyri, Iceland.

Hemsath, James R. (2010) AES Final Report & Technical Proceedings. Technical Report. The Institute of the North, Anchorage, Alaska.

Unspecified (2017) Arctic Energy Summit Finland - Final Report. Technical Report. The Institute of the North, Finland.

Arctic Council, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) (2009) Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines. Documentation. Arctic Council.

Arctic Council, Arctic Monitoring ans Assessment Programme (AMAP) (2008) Arctic Oil and Gas 2007. Documentation. Arctic Council.

Emmerson, Charles and Lahn, Glada Arctic Opening: Opportunity and Risk in the High North. Project Report. Chatham House.

Unspecified Developing Oil and Gas Resources in Arctic Waters: The Final Frontier?Factsheet by the Strategic Assessment of Development of the Arctic:Assessment Conducted for the EU. Technical Report. by the Strategic Assessment of Development of the Arctic:Assessment Conducted for the EU.

Chan, Luke and Eynon, George and McColl, David The Economics of High Arctic Gas Development:Expanded Sensitivity Analysis. Project Report. Canadian Energy Research Institute, Calgary, Alberta.

Glomsrød, Solveig and Aslaksen, Lulie (2006) Economy of the North. Project Report. Statistics Norway, Oslo, Norway.

Bloomberg, Mike and Carney, Mark (2022) Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero - 2022 Progress Report. Project Report. GFANZ - Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.

Unspecified (2023) Looking North: The UK and the Arctic. The United Kingdom's Arctic Policy Framework. Other. Crown Copyright, London, United Kingdom.

Jóhannesson, Hjalti (2010) Megaprojects in the Circumpolar North: Broadening the horizon, gaining insight, empowering local stakeholders - Social impacts: The case of the Kárahnjúkar power plant and Alcoa Fjarðarál plant in Iceland. Project Report. University of Akureyri Research Centre.

Unspecified (2023) No wasted energy - Uncovering the electricity efficiency potential in Iceland. Other. Landsvirkjun, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Unspecified Nordic-Chinese Energy Technology Cooperation. Technical Report. Norden. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen.

Jones, Aaron C. (2022) On the horizon: What to watch in 2022. Discussion Paper. Wilson Center, Washington, DC , USA.

Unspecified (2008) Port of Kirkenes - The Gateway to the Barents sea and the Northern Sea Route. Documentation. SØR-VARANGER KOMMUNE, Norway.

Arctic Council, Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) (2009) SDWG Report on Arctic Energy. Technical Report. Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG).

Jóhannesson, Hjalti and de Roo, Colette and Robaey, Zoë (2011) Sustainable Planning of Megaprojects in the Circumpolar North - broadening the horizon, gaining insight empowering local stakeholders. Project Report. University of Akureyri Research Centre.

Ryden et al, Bo (2010) Towards a Sustainable Nordic Energy System. 20 Perspectives on Nordic Energy 10 Opportunities and Challenges. Project Report. Elforsk, Stockholm.

Stauffer, Peter (2009) U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle. Project Report. U.S Geological Survey.

World Wildlife Fund, WWF WWF - The Energy Report - 100% Renewable Energy. Documentation. World Wildlife Fund.

Conference or Workshop Item

Unspecified (2018) Arctic Renewable Energy Atlas (AREA) Project: August 2018 Singapore Workshop Report. In: Arctic Renewable Energy Atlas (AREA) Project Singapore Workshop, 29-31 August 2018, Singapore.

Nabatchikova, Anastasia and Korobkov, Alexandr and Samsonov, Roman (2020) Outcomes of the webinar: Potential of O&G projects in the Far East in new economic realities. In: Webinar: Potential of O&G projects in the Far East in new economic realities”..


Andreassen, Nils, ed. Arctic Energy Summit Executive Summary 2015. Institute of the North.

Grant, Jennifer and Dyer, Simon and Woynillowicz, Dan (2008) Fact or Fiction: Oil Sands Reclamation. The Pembina Institute. ISBN 1-897390-13-0

Rasmussen, Rasmus Ole, ed. (2011) Megatrends. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen. ISBN 978-92-893-2223-2


Robaey, Zoë (2008) Differing Views of Uncertainty in Environmental Controversies: the Kearl Oil Sands Case, 2003-2008 in Canada. Masters thesis, Maastricht University.

Degteva , Anna (2006) Oil Industry and Reindeer Herding: The Problems of Implementing Indigenous Rights in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia. Masters thesis, Faculty of Social Science, University of Tromsø.


Victoria, Lipnick Engineering Degree Resources. [Project]

Vistnes, Ingunn and Lie, Ivar and Karlsen, Geir Runar and Nygaard, Vigdis and Søreng Ulfsdatter , Siri (2008) Utbygging og drift av Goliat oljefelt Konsekvensutredning samiske forhold Development of and production at Goliat oil field Impacts on Saami conditions Goliat oljoguovllu huksen ja doaimmaheapmi Váikkuhusčielggadeapmi sámi diliid birra. [Project]


Unspecified Arctic EEZ-map in the European Union. [Image]

Arctic Council , Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group (2001) CAFF Map No.32 - Industrial activities and oil and gas reserves in the Arctic. [Image]

Unspecified Estimated Arctic Oil and Gas reserve map. [Image]

Teaching Resource

Baldursson, Snorri (2011) Non-Living Natural Resources of the Arctic and Their Use. [Teaching Resource]


Unspecified Alaska Department of Natural Resources - Division of Mining, Land and Water. [Website]

Unspecified Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. [Website]

Unspecified Aleut Corporation. [Website]

Hong, Nong (2011) Arctic Energy: Pathway to Conflict or Cooperation in the High North? [Website]

Unspecified The Arctic Journal. [Website]

Unspecified Coastal Response Research Center, University of New Hampshire. [Website]

Unspecified ESB International (ESBI). [Website]

Unspecified The Energy Portlet. [Website]

Unspecified Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation up to 2020. [Website]

Unspecified Facts 2011 - The Norwegian petroleum sector. [Website]

Unspecified Greenland Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum. [Website]

Unspecified International Energy Agency. [Website]

Unspecified Nordic Energy Solutions. [Website]

Unspecified Presentation on Russian Energy Strategy for the period up to 2030: "the Way to the Innovative Energy Development". [Website]

Paasche, Øyvind (2011) The Race for Arctic Energy Resources. [Website]

Unspecified Renewable Energy. [Website]


Unspecified Energy 2020 A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy. European Commission, Brussels.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 15:07:10 2025 GMT.