Items where Subject is "Organizations and Networks > Governmental"
Group by: Item Type | Creators Number of items at this level: 45. AArctic Council, - (2006) Arctic Council Salekhard Ministerial Declaration. Other. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) (2009) Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines. Documentation. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, Arctic Monitoring ans Assessment Programme (AMAP) (2008) Arctic Oil and Gas 2007. Documentation. Arctic Council. AMAP, - Mercury in the Arctic. Project Report. Arctic Council. Arctic Council, Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) (2009) SDWG Report on Arctic Energy. Technical Report. Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG). Alexeeva, Olga and Lasserre, Frederic (2018) An analysis on Sino Russian cooperation in the Arctic in the BRI era. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (4). pp. 269-282. BBaeseman, J. (2021) 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial Report - Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic. Documentation. Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland. Blom, Anders and Brady, Anne-Marie and Brigham, Lawson and Conley, Heather and Daily, Michael and Hamilton, Neil and Hansen, Rúni M. and Harper, Susan and Henriksen, Sturla and Kamikawa, Yoko and Kortunov, Andrei V. and Minerd, Scott and Pickard, Ann and Roosevelt, Theodore and Smith, Laurence C. and Støre, Jonas Gahr and Tae-Yul, Cho and Treadwell, Mead and Tschudi, Felix H. and Volynets, Artem and Winther, Jan-Gunnar and Yuhang, Wang (2015) Arctic Investment Protocol - Guidelines for Responsible Investment in the Arctic. Global Agenda Council on the Arctic. pp. 1-10. Beixi, Deng (2016) Arctic security: evolution of Arctic security dynamics and prospect for a security regime in the Arctic. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 163-169. Brander, Nina and Borg, Emma (2021) Finland's Strategy for Arctic Policy. Working Paper. Finnish Government, Helsinki, Finland. Bertelsen, Rasmus (2016) Triple-helix knowledge-based Sino-Nordic Arctic relationships for trust and sustainable development. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 180-184. CChen, Zhao and Allison, Ian (2016) Some aspects of Chinese-Australian cooperation in Antarctic Research over the past forty years. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (2). pp. 126-137. DDion, Stéphane and Moedas, Carlos and Hansen, Poul Geert and Karliczek, Anja and Vidal, Frédérique and Motzfeldt, Karen A. and Alfreðsdóttir, Lilja and Giuliano, Salvatore and Shibayama, Masahiko and van der Voorde, Willem Albert G. and Pedersen, Hans Müller and Borsch, Rebekka and Rodrigo, Rafael and Linde, Ann Christin and Engelshoven, Ingrid van and Wei, Huang and Gomes, João Mira and Huber, Peter and Grahn-Laasonen, Sanni and Oh, Jin-hee and Przylebski, Andrzej and Siong, Sam Tan Chin and Trubnikov, Grigory V. and Estermann, Stefan and Loughhead, John and Córdova, France A. (2018) Joint Statement of Ministers - On the occasion of the Second Arctic Science Ministerial. In: 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial, 25-26 October 2018, Berlin, Germany. EEamer, Joan and Russell, Don and McRae, Louise and Bohm, M. CAFF Assessment Series No. 9. The Arctic Species Trend Index 2011: Key findings from an in-depth look at marine species and development of spatial analysis techniques. CAFF Assessment Series 9. European Commission, - The European Commission: Space and the Arctic. Documentation. European Union. European Commission, - The European Union and the Arctic region. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. Technical Report. European Union. European Union, EU Joint communication: Developing a European Union Policy towards the Arctic Region: progress since 2008 and next steps. Documentation. European Union. European Union, EU The inventory of activities in the framework of developing a European Union Arctic Policy. Documentation. European Union. FFreeland, Christina Alexandra and Brende, Børge and Samuelsen, Anders and Lavrov, Sergey and Soini, Timo and Wallström, Margot and Þórðarson, Guðlaugur Þór and Tillerson, Rex (2017) Fairbanks Declaration 2017. [Legal Documents] HHeininen, Dr. Lassi and Exner-Pirot, Heather and Plouffe, Joël The Arctic Yearbook. [Website] Heininen, Dr. Lassi and Exner-Pirot, Heather and Plouffe, Joël (2015) Arctic Yearbook 2015 -- Arctic Governance and Governing. NRF. Han, Liu (2018) Influence of the Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation on the approach of non-Arctic states to Arctic scientific activities. Advances in Polar Science, 29 (1). pp. 51-60. He, Liu and Shan, Yanyan and Liu, Feichao (2024) Promoting China-U.S. Arctic education cooperation: challenges, opportunities and recommendations. Advances in Polar Science, 35 (2). pp. 264-274. JJian, Yang and Guijie, Shi (2022) Innovations in marine technology and potential needs for Arctic governance. Advances in Polar Science, 33 (4). pp. 336-343. Jialin, Han (2016) Non-governmental organizations’ influence on tackling black carbon in the shipping industry. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 154-158. KKrivorotov, Andrey K. China in World and Regional Politics: History and Modernity. China in Global and Regional Policy, 25. Karahalil, Meric and Ozsoy, Burcu (2020) Evaluation of the Polar Code in different environments and for different maritime activities in the two polar regions. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (4). pp. 237-240. Kuupik, Kleist (2011) Statement from Kuupik Kleist at the NRF Open Assembly 2011. [Video] LLong, Zhao (2016) Patterns of international governance in the Arctic and China’s approach. Advances in Polar Science, 27 (3). pp. 170-179. Luo, Ying and Yang, Li and Lobanov, Andrew Alexandrovich and Andronov, Sergei Vasilevich and Lobanova, Lidiya Petrovna (2020) Sino-Russian cooperation on the sustainable utilization of Arctic biological resources: modernizing traditional knowledge. Advances in Polar Science, 31 (3). pp. 224-235. Leppäranta, Matti and Vihma, Timo and Cheng, Bin and Ruibo, Lei (2021) An outstanding example of cooperation between Arctic and non-Arctic countries in cryosphere and climate research: Sino-Finnish cooperation for more than 30 years. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (4). pp. 261-263. Leppäranta, Matti and Huiding, Wu and Zhanhai, Zhang and Zhijun, Li and Cheng, Bin (2021) The rise of sea ice research collaboration between China and Finland. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (4). pp. 264-274. MMaddox, Marisol and Lea, Lyston (2023) Polar Perspectives No 13 - The Intelligence Community Must Evolve To Meet the Reality of Arctic Change. Technical Report. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, USA. PPareek, Nikhil (2021) Assessment on India’s involvement and capacity-building in Arctic Science. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (1). pp. 50-66. Pareek, Nikhil and Pareek, Nisha (2022) India’s Arctic Policy: a critical appraisal. Advances in Polar Science, 33 (4). pp. 344-355. Poulsen, Troels Lund and Häkkänen, Antti and Gylfadóttir, Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd and Gram, Bjørn Arild and Jonson, Pål (2024) Vision for Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO). Other. NORDEFCO. QQingchao, Xu and Qingying, Xu (2022) Chinese science diplomacy in Arctic climate governance based on a survey and interviews with Chinese scientists. Advances in Polar Science, 33 (4). pp. 356-367. RRana, Jenis av (2022) The Faroe Islands in the Arctic. Working Paper. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, Faroe Islands. Retter, G.-B. (2019) The Sámi Arctic Strategy. Working Paper. Saami Council, Norway. SShan, Yanyan and Lin, Hui (2024) Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement: China’s role and implications for sustainable Arctic governance. Advances in Polar Science, 35 (4). pp. 473-481. Stockton, E.J. and Burn, C.R. and Nelson, F.E. (2022) Country Reports 2021: Reports from the Adhering Bodies of the International Permafrost Association. Project Report. International Permafrost Association (IPA). Stoltenberg, Torvald and Moller, Jorgen Ostrom and Varynen, Paavo and Sigurdsson, Jon and Kozyrev, Andrej and Ugglas, Margaretha af and Hughes, Anaurin Rhys (1993) Kirkenes Declaration. Other. Barents Euro-Arctic Council, Kirkenes, Norway. Sumarliðason, Emil Ísleifur and Villalobos, Santiago and Ólafsdóttir, Sóley (2020) Mapping Arctic Research in Iceland. Documentation. Icelandic Centre for Research, RANNÍS, Reykjavík, Iceland. YYoshikawa, Kenji (2013) The Little Book on Permafrost. Arctic Portal / Page 21. ZZilliacus, Harry (2021) Early glaciological and Quaternary Geology cooperation. Advances in Polar Science, 32 (4). pp. 275-280. |